image describing the different facets of neurodivergence as an umbrella

What is Neurodivergence?

We define Neurodivergence as those whose brains work differently than what we consider in the “normal way”. (please note the quotes around normal because…. well….. normal is also a range). When we are talking about neurodivergence in a therapeutic mental health setting, we are talking about ways of thinking or seeing the world that might be causing a person distress for a variety of reasons. Sometimes our task will be to work on the symptom itself, and other times the best way to work with neurodivergence is to accept our brains for how they are and find ways of making out environments work for our brains rather than trying to change something that is not going to change. We don’t believe there is anything wrong with neurodivergent brains, and in fact, we find joy and excitement from getting to see the world in new and different ways.

Some stats for those who like numbers:

About 20% of the population is believed to be neurodiverse.

According to charliehealth, 

  • 78% of kids with autism spectrum disorder have a mental health condition, with almost half of them having at least two mental health conditions. 
  • 73%-81% of adults with autism spectrum disorder have a co-occurring mental health condition. 
  • Around two-thirds of people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder have one or more co-occurring mental health conditions. 
  • 38.3% of adults with ADHD also have a mood disorder (such as depression, dysthymia, or bipolar disorder).
  • 47.1% of adults with ADHD also have an anxiety disorder.
  • 83% of kids with Tourette syndrome have a co-occurring disorder.

Helpful links: (general resources) (general resources) (general resources) (Autism) (ADHD)