How are you, really?

Posted on March 12, 2020Comments Off on How are you, really?

Six months ago, as I was starting to put in motion the things that needed to be done to move towards a full time private practice, I had the thought, “I hope something major doesn’t right when I leave everything stable about my life and take the leap into being a small business owner”. Fast forward to early 2020 and the entire world, not just my corner of it, is experiencing an epidemic like we have not seen in modern times. Many of us are afraid of what the future holds for ourselves and our loved ones. All it takes is one significant event to topple the tower of stability we may have achieved in our lives. When that stability is challenged, many of us will start to experience even more anxiety than we may usually feel in our busy modern lives.

Symptoms of anxiety may include not being able to sleep, being irritated with everyone around you, eating more or less than usual, excessive worrying (not just worrying about current events, but worrying about hypothetical things way into the future, and hyper-vigilance (this could mean washing your hands way more than is recommended due to fears of contamination, being afraid to send your kids to school, being afraid to be out in public).

If you start to experience these symptoms and they begin to get in the way of you being able to live your life, you may want to consider seeing a therapist to talk about your fears and feelings during this uncertain time. It’s important to find ways to manage our feelings while we are living in this global moment of anxiety, and to not forget the values that keep us going even when the future seems uncertain.

I am available for appointments starting April 6, 2020

Contact me if you are interested in Telehealth (appointments via video chat)

Click here to schedule an appointment: